Paper (and Fabric) Dolls

Hi Friends, It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly September! Where did summer go? In some parts of the world, we’re getting cooler and we need to start thinking about indoor activities. Today I’m going to show you how to make Paper Dolls. It’s flexible enough that you can use whatever you have on hand…. Read more »

DIY Fabric Rope Baskets and Bowls

Hi Friends,     We’re back again this week with another DIY as promised. Last week we made Fabric Beads, and this week we’re going to make Fabric Rope Baskets. This is another craft you can do with your children. If they’re doing remote learning, they’re probably tired of staring at their screens, so here is… Read more »

Fun DIY for Kids and Adults: Fabric Beads

    It’s that time of year when the children in your life start school again, except not all of them are leaving the house for school. In these unprecedented times, we need to come up with fresh ways to engage our children while they are stuck at home. Crafts are a great way to give… Read more »