DIY Microwave Potato Pouch

Who loves baked potatoes, but hates how long it takes to bake them in the oven?

With this simple pattern you can get your potatoes done in minutes with the microwave.

Happy Spud Baking and Sewing!!!

1/3 yard of fabric I used Tropical Water Spirals CBF4530L
11″ X 20″ Batting


Step 1: Cut out your fabric and your batting 20″ X 11″

Step 2: Place the fabric right sides together, and place batting on top.

Step 3: Stitching 1/4″ at the top and the bottom.

Step 4: Turn right sides out

Step 5: Press and top stitch 1/4″ on the top and the bottom.

Step 6: Fold top flap at 2 1/2”

Step 7: Fold over the bottom so it’s 8″

Step 8: Sew side seam at 1/2″ (you could serge the sides if you would like)

Step 9: Clip corners

Step 10: Turn to right side, and voila you have yourself a hand dandy Microwave Potato Pouch!!

Happy Sewing!!!

Microwave Potato Cooking Instructions

  1. Wash Potatoes.
  2. Do not poke or peel potatoes.
  3. Put pouch in microwave with flap down.
  4. Cook 5-7 Minutes, if still firm cook for another 2 minutes.