New Baby in the Office!

We are delighted to announce the newest addition to our office – baby Brooke! 

Joining her mom, Ashlie – who is our Office Manager – baby Brooke arrives at work ready to brighten everyone’s day. We enjoy seeing her and watching her grow.
 She sleeps in her bassinet next to her mom when she’s not busy with daily tasks (as seen below).
When she is tired of working, Brooke has some much needed playtime.
 Sometimes her big brother Axl gets to come play as well.
Indonesian Batiks is proud to join the Washington Department of Health’s endeavor to support babies and working mothers through the Infant at Work Program. This program is established for eligible employees who are new parents. Influenced by research proving that allowing a parent and infant to be together in life’s early stages supports critical bonding, healthy baby brain development and the health benefits that come from exclusive breastfeeding. Not only do babies benefit from this program, but employees and employers alike are better off as well.
Benefits for employees: 
 Lower daycare costs 
 Better financial stability for young families 
 Employees feel supported 
 Lower stress for parents 
 More options for women 
 Easier breastfeeding 
 Enables working fathers to be more involved with their babies 
Benefits for employers: 
 Employees return to work sooner 
 Attractive benefit that can be used for recruitment 
 Increased retention / lower turnover costs 
 Increased employee loyalty 
 Higher morale 
 Lower health care costs from increased breastfeeding rates 

 Not only are more babies coming to work at offices like ours, early last year one newborn made history by being the first infant brought to work on the senate floor by her mom, an Illinois senator! 
In fact, the Parenting in the Workplace Institute reports that more than 2,100 babies are brought to the workplace in more than 40 states and several countries worldwide. 