Men’s BBQ Apron

BBQ season is here!!! I am trying to cash in on as much BBQ as possible. So I decided to butter up my Husband with this apron in hopes he will return the favor in flavor. This was such an easy project and I just love those happy cows. I hope to see your Men’s BBQ Aprons.

Fabric requirements:
1 & ½ yard of fabric (45″ wide)
We used our CBF2320H Green Cows
Pre Wash your fabric
All seams at ½ inch

Cutting Instructions:
*Cut two 4″ strips- these will be your waist ties
*From fold line measure 16″ along the length of fabric. Cut off extra fabric with selvage. Using one of the lengths of fabric, cut one 4″ strip – 36” long. This will be the necktie.
*Cut fabric for Apron at 31″ or 7/8 of a yard
*Cut next piece for Apron Pocket at 14
*Print out Armhole Pattern 1 and Armhole Pattern 2. This wonderful pattern is from:

*Using BBQ Apron piece, from fold line measure out 5 &1/2.
*Place Arm Hole Pattern piece here (with Arm Hole top at the top and Arm Hole side at side of fabric)

*Mark area to be cut out with fabric chalk.
*Then cut off the Armhole Piece.

*Cut next piece for Apron pocket at 14″



Place pocket piece upside down on the wrong side of the Apron piece, (if using a one way patterns such our awesome cow print) (*If it is not a One way pattern, you do not have to turn it upside down) pin together at the bottom of the pieces. Sew together. Press seam open.


Fold pocket piece to front side of Apron piece. Then topstitch 1/2″ from the bottom.


Take the top of the Pocket piece, fold under 1/2″ and again 1/2 inch. Topstitch near edge….press.


Pin pocket and Apron at sides.


With fabric chalk, draw lines for pockets. Sew on lines.


At the top of BBQ Apron turn edge under 1/2″ then turn under again at 1″. Sew close to the edge.


Sewing under edges starting on the right hand side of the top of the BBQ Apron. Fold the corner under 1″ fold unfinished seam 1/2″ and then 1/2″ again to make a miter corner.


Sew continuing down the length of the unfinished edge. Continue this process for any of your unfinished edges.


Making the neck ties you will need to cut the one way fabric in half (if not using one way skip onto step 11) fold in half and cut, so that each strip is 18″


With right sides together sew at 1/2″, press seam open.


With right sides together sew along the raw edge of the strip.


Turn to tie so right side is out. Here is a video to show you.


Press making sure that back seam is the middle of the tie.


Take the end edges and turn them in at 1/2″.


Attaching neck ties to BBQ Apron top, turn edge under 1 ½ ” pin & press.


Stitch 1″ square and X thru the middle.


Same process for the waist ties so repeat steps 11-16.


At the end of the waist tie turn unfinished edge inside and press and sew close to edge.

Enjoy you Apron and hopefully lots of BBQ!!!

Happy Sewing!